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Pemberley Day 2019 JASNA

April 6, 2019 WRS and JASNA Puget Sound celebrated a ”Day at Pemberley“ with the Women’s University Club in downtown Seattle filling in for the Pemberley manse.  The day was organized by Julie Buck around the idea of how Mr. Darcy might have entertained guests at Pemberley before his marriage to Elizabeth.

Women's University Club Gold Room

Women’s University Club Gold RoomWe started with a scholarly presentation:  JASNA Traveling Lecturer Dr. Regulus Allen presented her lecture “From Hampshire to Hollywood: Teaching an Austen Fiction and Film Course” and discussed how film adaptations are helping keep Jane Austen accessible to a broader, more inclusive audience.



We followed that with a historical Magic Show from Master Payne, a highly respected professional magician who specializes in the history of magic.

Master Payne makes ring re-appear

Master Payne makes ring re-appear

Master Payne

Master Payne


Next was a  presentation on historical Fencing, or how a Regency gentleman defended himself by Cecil Longino and students from the Salle Saint-Georges Traditional School for the Fencing Arts.

Disarming the French Small Sword - the Art of Self Defense

Disarming the French Small Sword – the Art of Self Defense

We withdrew (to the drawing room!) where we had light refreshments then witnessed a Regency fashion show presented by the Washington Regency Society.

Enjoying the refreshments before the fashion show

Enjoying the refreshments before the fashion show

Enjoying the break

Enjoying the break


WRS models lining up for the fashion show

WRS models lining up for the fashion show

We then went through to the beautiful dining room for our ball supper.

Enjoying the Supper

Enjoying the Supper

We finished the night in the ballroom for English country dancing led by dance caller (and JASNA member) Charlene Kern and a trio of live musicians.

Long view of the ball

Long view of the ball

Enjoying the dancing

Enjoying the dancing


Dr. Regulus Allen enjoying herself at the ball

Dr. Regulus Allen enjoying herself at the ball


Rousing games of Whist, Speculation and Piquet were played!


Playing Whist

Playing Whist

Playing Speculation

Playing Speculation

Whew a long fun day!

Most of these photos were provided by Robin Federico and we thank him for the way he captured the day!