Reminder to Renew your WRS membership. We are excited to share all of the lovely events planned for the WRS this year! We are looking forward to seeing you at one of our events which includes, a Spring Tea, Costume Workshop & Sari Safari, Summer Picnic, Sailing and our main event the Twelfth Night Ball. […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Upon the frost-kissed canvas of winter’s domain, beneath the cloudy gray sky, the merriment of ice skating ensues, where graceful figures glide with genteel finesse, casting a delightful spectacle upon the frozen stage of nature’s grandeur. WRS EVENTS ARE COMING SOON We are hard at work planning several events for 2024 and wanted to […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Join us for the annual Twelfth Night Ball – here is a link to our inspiration page:
No Comments. Continue Reading...The WRS Board met in January and began planning events, both virtual and in person, for 2023. If you would like to become more involved with planning events with WRS please contact us through the Society (at) waregency (dot) org mailing address. At this point the plans are for a trip to the Sari stores […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...By Ruth Haring This StitchIn was held on December 11 from 1 to 3 PM. It had been originally scheduled for the previous April. The goal of this stich-in, besides the usual sharing of current projects, was on the dolls of the Georgian and Regency Periods. Ruth gave a short (20 minute) program on these […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Sunday, January 24th, we had 17 ladies from all over the nation get together for the Soft Topped Bonnet Workshop. Instructor Ruth Haring presented her latest tips on making this easy straw brimmed summer bonnet. It was a fun time with several coming in costume. A follow-up workshop is planned for February 7th. This was […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Now is the time to join or renew your membership in the Washington Regency Society. Memberships expire on the 31st of December every year. If you pay now you will be a member until December 31 of 2021! Here is a link to our membership page. –MEMBERSHIP PAGE–
No Comments. Continue Reading...This year’s General Membership Meeting in November will be a ZOOM meeting. It is the time when we review and discuss what we have been doing over the past year and what we are planning for the coming year. We will also have a presentation on the chemisette. And, it is election time! We would […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Washington Regency Society wants all people to feel welcome, valued, and safe at our meetings and events. There is no place in WRS for racism or discrimination of any kind. If you have not felt welcome and safe, we are sorry. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Washington Regency Society’s Summer Virtual Picnic Because we can not guarantee what phase of reopening our State (due to COVID-19) will be at on July 25th we have decided to take our Summer Picnic Virtual! We all take to our own gardens with our own picnics, where we will meet virtually Via ZOOM ! Set […]
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